- Title
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002
- License
- Not Specified
+ The original author did not specify a license.
- Abstract
Data brief: The layer contains the geographical location points of waterlogging on the major road network during the monsoon season in 2021 within the geographical boundary of the Barapullah sub-basin in the National Capital Territory of Delhi.
Source: The water logging points are identified primary survey in 2021 and vectorized by using ArcGIS version 10.5 software after cross-referring to the secondary sources i.e., Feb. 1, 2022, 5:42 a.m.
- Type
- Vector Data
- Keywords
- Waterlogging , features
- Category
- Location
- positional information and services. Examples: addresses, geodetic networks, control points, postal zones and services, place names
- Regions
- India
- Responsible
- DataLeader.India
- Group
- SpatialPhysico.India
- Maintenance Frequency
- Data Is Updated Every Year
- Purpose
<p>The purpose of this shape file is to mark the <span style="color: #626262;">geographical location points of water logging happing o…
- Language
- English
- Temporal Extent
- July 15, 2021, 10:39 a.m. - Sept. 30, 2021, 12:13 p.m.
- Data Quality
- <p>The SPA, New Delhi team conducted a primary study during the monsoon season in 2021 to identify the water logging points after cross-referring to the secondary sources i.e., the <a title="Drainage Master Plan for NCT of Delhi" href="http://health.delhigovt.nic.in/wps/wcm/connect/e738330040aa42c7b022f10d0d3667b7/Main_report+DMP_Version51.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&lmod=-1713081951&CACHEID=e738330040aa42c7b022f10d0d3667b7">Drainage Master Plan for NCT of Delhi</a> document <span style="color: #626262;">published by the Irrigation and flood control department in the year 2018. The GPS points are recorded and converted into vector data form</span><span style="color: #626262;"> by using ArcGIS version 10.5 software</span></p>
- Supplemental Information
<p>No information provided</p>
- Spatial Representation Type
- vector data is used to represent geographic data
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