- Title
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002
- Abstract
Data brief: The layer contains the geographical location points of waterlogging on the major road network during the monsoon season in 2021 within the geographical boundary of the Barapullah sub-basin in the National Capital Territory of Delhi.
Source: The water logging points are identified primary survey in 2021 and vectorized by using ArcGIS version 10.5 software after cross-referring to the secondary sources i.e., http://health.delhigovt.nic.in/wps/wcm/connect/e738330040aa42c7b022f10d0d3667b7/Main_report+DMP_Version51.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&lmod=-1713081951&CACHEID=e738330040aa42c7b022f10d0d3667b7">Drainage Master Plan for NCT of Delhi document
- License
- Not Specified
+ The original author did not specify a license.
- Publication Date
- Feb. 1, 2022, 5:42 a.m.
- Type
- Vector Data
- Keywords
- Waterlogging features
- Category
- Location
- positional information and services. Examples: addresses, geodetic networks, control points, postal zones and services, place names
- Regions
- India
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- Group
- SpatialPhysico.India
- None
- Attribution
- None
- Name
- DataLeader.India
- drone.iitd@gmail.com
- Position
- Hub Consultant
- Organization
- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD)
- Location
- Room No: 207 - GIS LAB, Block IV, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 110016 New Delhi Delhi IND
- Voice
- +917379400080
- Fax
- None
- Spatial Extent
- ---
- Projection System
- EPSG:32643
- Extension x0
- 709566.351300001000000
- Extension x1
- 726435.115910665000000
- Extension y0
- 3155246.444000010000000
- Extension y1
- 3176468.135935290000000
- Maintenance Frequency
- Data Is Updated Every Year
- Purpose
The purpose of this shape file is to mark the geographical location points of water logging happing on the major road netwo…
- Language
- English
- Temporal Extent
- July 15, 2021, 10:39 a.m. - Sept. 30, 2021, 12:13 p.m.
- Data Quality
The SPA, New Delhi team conducted a primary study during the monsoon season in 2021 to identify the water logging points after cross-referring to the secondary sources i.e., the Drainage Master Plan for NCT of Delhi document published by the Irrigation and flood control department in the year 2018. The GPS points are recorded and converted into vector data form by using ArcGIS version 10.5 software
- Supplemental Information
No information provided
- Spatial Representation Type
- vector data is used to represent geographic data
- Name
- DataLeader.India
- drone.iitd@gmail.com
- Position
- Hub Consultant
- Organization
- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD)
- Location
- Room No: 207 - GIS LAB, Block IV, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 110016 New Delhi Delhi IND
- Voice
- +917379400080
- Fax
- None
- Link Online
- /layers/waterhub_geonode_live_data:geonode:Waterlogging
- Metadata Page
- /layers/waterhub_geonode_live_data:geonode:Waterlogging/metadata_detail
- Legend
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.png
- Thumbnail
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.png
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.json
- Excel
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.excel
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.csv
- GML 3.1.1
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.gml
- GML 2.0
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.gml
- Zipped Shapefile
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.zip
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.png
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.pdf
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.jpg
- Original Dataset
- 20210917_I13_WL_BARAPULLAH_MP002.zip
- OGC WFS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WFS
- OGC WMS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WMS
- Name
- DataLeader.India
- drone.iitd@gmail.com
- Position
- Hub Consultant
- Organization
- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD)
- Location
- Room No: 207 - GIS LAB, Block IV, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 110016 New Delhi Delhi IND
- Voice
- +917379400080
- Fax
- None